Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wachusett Mountain (30 Jan)

We went to Wachusett Mountain a second time last Saturday with Chee Wee and family. Thanks to Yen Ning's parents for taking care of Amber, I was able to ski much more this time. Aedan took the polar kids class while i took the adult lesson. I must say i didn't really learn much from the class. Daddy did a better job teaching me how to ski. I must have fallen a thousand times that day. At the end of the day, i could skied down the indian summer (easy slope) without falling! Only took a few pictures there as we were busy skiing.

Managed to take one video of Aedan during his lesson (he almost didn't want to go for the lesson!). He could ski on his own on a tiny slope.

Snowing in Boston

We are more than half way through winter and the kids simply love snow! The snow in Boston was at times heavy, but none can be compared to what we have seen in Washington DC (so Yiyi, you haven't missed much). Took some photos and videos of the kids playing snow here in Boston. I'm sure they will miss all these when we return to Singapore.

Here's one video taken in early Jan at the garden level at our apartment :

Here's another one taken just a week ago at the same place. This time there wasn't much snow accumulation, but i just brought them there to have fun.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Song of the moment

Current song of the moment is Hu3 Gu1 Po2. The children sing this song almost everyday. Took this video of them at the hotel in Orlando. Note : The background noise is from the hair dryer.