Thursday, May 13, 2010

Aedan Kungfu Display

Aedan wants to show yiyi the silly video about him displaying kungfu. This is one about daddy trying to teach him 'yong chun chuan' :

A nice day at Boston Common

It's spring time and the weather is great. In fact it has been hotter than normal for most of April. Here's some pictures taken at Boston Common. The tulips are really beautiful!

TCC Preschool Art Show

TCC held an art show for the preschool classes in April. Aedan was really excited about the art show and he kept telling me about it weeks before it. He reminded me almost everyday nearing the show. According to his teachers, he had worked really hard for the art show and wanted to show his work to us.

This is his self portrait :

This is the ocean 'sculpture' that he had worked on for weeks :
A Van Gogh in the making (I like this the best) :

A class effort by the preschoolers :

Now you see... now you don't!

Aedan had his hair cut few weeks back. Initially we just trimmed it a little but i insisted that it should be shorter else he looked like ah wang. In the end it was much shorter than i expected, but luckily he was quite alright with that.

Here's a picture before :

And here's a picture after :

Here's a close up of both kids :

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

California and Las Vegas Trip (March 2010)

We were in San Francisco from March 12-20. Thanks to daddy's course, we stayed at a really nice hotel (Westin St. Francis) right in front of union square. San Francisco is a beautiful city. Took the cable cars and buses everywhere since we bought the city pass for a week. Went to chinatown everyday to have chinese food! The last time i was there was about 15 years ago and this time i can really appreciate the beauty of the city.

Cruise around the Golden Gate Bridge and at Pier 39:

Cable car ride :

We flew to Las Vegas on March 20 and drove to Williams at Arizona to stay for a night, before we proceed to Grand Canyon the next day.

We drove back to Las Vegas and stayed at Excalibur hotel (the 'castle' hotel) for 3 nights.

Made a trip to the premium outlet where the kids took the kiddy rides while i shopped. Look how happy Amber was....

We then flew from Las Vegas to Long Beach and drove down south to San Diego where we visited the seaworld. Think the kids enjoyed seaworld the most for the entire trip. Till now they keep telling us about shamu (the killer whale). We didn't take a lot of pictures at seaworld (mostly the sea creatures), so here's 2 that we took.

Visited some relatives at Long Beach before we took a trip to Hollywood at Los Angeles. Here's a picture with Wolverine and the teeny-weeny "Hollywood" word in the background!

Video below is the Fremont Street Experience that we took in Las Vegas. Quite interesting with hundreds (or thousands) of TV screens above you. Amber was frightened by the bright lights and loud music while Aedan enjoyed watching the "TV" (as usual)....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Skiing at Cannon Mountain

Yes. We went skiing again. What's there to do in winter except for skiing. This time we drove all the way to Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire on the first day of Chinese New Year. It's about 2 hours away from Boston. We put Aedan in the ski school again and this time he was much more excited about learning at the ski center. I had fun skiing too (with falling!) coz Yen Ning's parents once again help us to look after Amber. Not sure if daddy had fun coz he said he must had fallen at least 30 times at the summit.... haha.. anyway here's some pics and videos. Enjoy!

Here's a video of Aedan learning to ski :

Here's a video of Amber sliding down the slope on a plastic sheet. She enjoyed it so much that she kept asking to do it again.

Tubing at Amesbury Sports Park

Few weeks back, we brought the kids to Amesbury Sports Park for snow tubing. It was quite an experience speeding down the slopes on the tube (tyre). The kids had a wonderful time sliding down the tiny slope for children. Aedan was afraid of the height and speed so he didn't go up the big mountain slope with us.