Monday, March 1, 2010

Skiing at Cannon Mountain

Yes. We went skiing again. What's there to do in winter except for skiing. This time we drove all the way to Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire on the first day of Chinese New Year. It's about 2 hours away from Boston. We put Aedan in the ski school again and this time he was much more excited about learning at the ski center. I had fun skiing too (with falling!) coz Yen Ning's parents once again help us to look after Amber. Not sure if daddy had fun coz he said he must had fallen at least 30 times at the summit.... haha.. anyway here's some pics and videos. Enjoy!

Here's a video of Aedan learning to ski :

Here's a video of Amber sliding down the slope on a plastic sheet. She enjoyed it so much that she kept asking to do it again.

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