Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Days when YiYi was here... (Part 2)

Daddy had a study trip t0 New York City from Dec 13-19, so we tagged along. Since he had been to NYC previously, we went around on our own without him.

Here's some pictures taken at Times square :

Took the free Staten Island Ferry to see the statue of liberty. It wasn't very near the statue but we could still get a good view from the ferry.

This is Wall Street. Aedan looked grumpy in these pictures as he had just lost his pink balloon (Amber lost hers too at the ferry terminal).

We took the Grayline bus tour around NYC during the first 2 days of our trip. The kids were mostly asleep when the bus was moving.. haha.. It was quite cold sitting at the open top end especially during the night.

Here's the famous M&M store in Times Square. I didn't know M&Ms has sooo much merchandise.

We went to Central Park on Wed afternoon. The kids finally saw a playground and they had fun playing there. See the video of them eating oranges at the park. Amber finally 'likes' YiYi!

Here's one and only picture daddy took with us at Rockerfella center coz he finally finished his exam.

Last but not least, this was the kids' favourite past time at the hotel!

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